5 Hidden Gems At Trader Joe’s You Need To Know About

Published on 02/15/2023

No matter the time of year or the cause, we inevitably get into cooking ruts. Even the recipes we used to be so enthralled with can easily get out of hand. We’re never against adding to our library of cookbooks or our overflowing digital recipe box, but when we’re in a bind, there are a few things in our cupboards that always come through.

Similar to visiting a museum, browsing the grocery store allows us to take in all the fresh influences and opportunities. Additionally, Trader Joe’s offers a lot of hidden culinary inspiration on its shelves. Here are some of our tried-and-true Trader Joe’s favorites that will always inspire you to be inventive in the kitchen if you feel like you’re in a culinary rut.


5 Hidden Gems At Trader Joe’s You Need To Know About


Agrodolce White Wine Vinegar

Take my best purchasing recommendation: Observe a strange vinegar? Purchase and use it. If I’ve learned anything from working in the food industry, it’s that adding high-quality vinegar is a simple way to transform home-cooked meals into restaurant-quality dishes. It can combine dissimilar materials crying for that unique “je ne sais quoi” and give zip right away. When you experiment with new recipes, you might be missing out on the alchemical gold; to learn why, try using apple-cider vinegar in your next pie crust.

The component vinegar is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Rice vinegar makes steaming bowls of rice sing more beautifully, crushed-fruit vinegar enlivens homemade salad dressings, and Trader Joe’s Agrodolce White Wine Vinegar transforms an ordinary beurre blanc into something spectacular. When it comes to fruity, puckery shrubs, I really drink vinegar at this point. And don’t even get me started on all the pickling options. I won’t ever quit.

Garlic Spread & Dip

Don’t be fooled by this spread and dip’s apparent simplicity; it contains much more than meets the eye. Your local Lebanese restaurant may be where you first encountered toum, a creamy, fluffy garlic spread that is so much more than the sum of its components. This traditional spread is simply an oil, garlic, and lemon juice emulsion that, when whisked, takes on the appearance of mayonnaise. The grocery store’s version of the well-known sauce is Trader Joe’s Garlic Spread & Dip.

This is going to quickly become your new favorite kitchen secret weapon if you ever need a quick boost of garlic taste. A generous schmear of this garlicky spread makes soup, potatoes, kebabs, and roasted vegetables happier than they would otherwise be. I’ve been known to dip crackers and crisp, spicy radishes in this dip, and I have a hunch it would also be good on avocado toast.

Chimichurri Sauce

I’ve consumed Trader Joe’s Chimichurri Sauce so many times that I don’t have enough fingers to count. It’s kind of the antithesis of Green Eggs and Ham in that I would eat it with a baboon, on a spoon, in a plane, etc. The list continues. Although you’re probably used to presenting grilled steak with bright, vinegary, herby chimichurri sauce, that’s only the beginning of the innovative ways you can use this well-known condiment. It will be difficult to find a dish that chimichurri sauce doesn’t enhance, including eggs and frittatas, soups, tacos, mac & cheese, and many types of marinated kebabs (try tofu or shrimp).

Tamarind Sauce

If you enjoy sauces as much as I do, I implore you to add Trader Joe’s new Tamarind Sauce to your shopping cart right away. The fruit of the tamarind tree, a tropical tree, contains a sweet-sour paste that is frequently used in chutneys, beverages, sauces, and even desserts. Tamarind is a key component in many Central and South American and South Asian dishes, as well as the well-known condiment Worcestershire sauce. When it’s missing from my handmade pad thai, I really miss the flavor that this sweet, flavorful, tangy tamarind sauce from TJ’s brings to the table. A dab of tamarind sauce gives everything, from coconut chutney to grilled marinated fish, a delightful flavor.

Creamy Cashew Butter

A teaspoon of nut butter keeps my hunger at bay when I’m ravenous but can’t think of anything to eat. However, why end there? Even your nut-butter-spoon ritual needs to be changed up. Trader Joe’s Cashew Butter, please. If you have never had cashew butter, consider it to be a softer, creamier, somewhat richer version of peanut butter. Although it is more expensive than the average jar of peanut butter, a little goes a long way in terms of enhancing the complexity of meals from breakfast to dinner. The depth and richness of cashew butter begs to be utilized in your upcoming butternut squash soup, curry, or satay sauce.