Keep Your Kitchen Enjoyable To Use With These Simple Tips

Published on 02/14/2023

Any task or hobby is enjoyable when your equipment is in top shape and the place is taken care of. After all, almost no one would be able to enjoy what they love if their place doesn’t get them inspired. Cleaning the kitchen is one way to keep a chef (or anyone in general) excited to keep cooking, which is why we’re here to present you with things you can do to always keep your kitchen clean and get you inspired to cook every time you’re in it!

Keep Your Kitchen Enjoyable To Use With These Simple Tips

Keep Your Kitchen Enjoyable To Use With These Simple Tips

Always Clean The Cloths

It’s crucial to frequently clean and replace your cleaning cloths if you want to maintain your kitchen safe and sanitary. Kitchen towels that are dirty and wet are the ideal environment for bacterial growth. Every few days, make sure to properly wash and let dry all of your brushes, sponges, and towels. Top Tip: To prevent the transmission of bacteria, use a different colored cloth for each section of the kitchen, such as pink for the sink and blue for the counters.  Tea towels are susceptible to those bothersome germs as well, so replace them daily and wash them in the washing machine at a high temperature.

Do More Than Just Sweeping The Floor

When you need a quick clean-up, sweeping the kitchen floor is fantastic, but more often than not, you’ll just scatter the dirt over the room. However, vacuuming will guarantee that you reach all of the kitchen’s corners, and moving the vacuum around every few days will help you stay on top of the kitchen’s cleanliness.

Always Clean The Sink

Although it might seem obvious, it is completely worthwhile! As soon as you are done with the dishes, always drain the water from the sink. The scent of oily, filthy water from a bowl might linger in your kitchen. We are all guilty of leaving small food crumbs in the sink plughole, but picking them up and throwing them in the trash just takes a few seconds (use rubber gloves if it makes you uncomfortable!). Sanitize the sink once more by wiping it down with a clean towel and kitchen cleanser. You won’t regret it when you open your eyes in the morning to a spotless kitchen.

Clean Whatever You Can While Waiting For The Next Thing You Can Do

Use your time effectively if you find yourself standing around the kitchen. You will be surprised at how much you can do while you wait for the kettle to boil or the chicken to defrost if you put the dishes away, load the dishwasher, wipe down the stove, or clean the kitchen countertops. The kitchen will stay clean and organized for longer with these quick cleaning tasks.

Always Take The Trash Out Right Away

Garbage disposal keeps your kitchen clean and stops bacterial growth. You might not be aware of how nasty your kitchen is becoming if you don’t usually take out the garbage until it is full, especially if there isn’t a lid on top. Start taking out the garbage at the end of each day to keep your kitchen smelling great and to prevent food in the trash can from starting to rot and attracting fruit flies and maggots.

Regularly Clean/Replace Your Sponge

To kill bacteria, get a fresh cloth or boil your sponge for five minutes. Unfortunately, bacteria can quickly form on the kitchen towel or sponge you use every day. To kill bacteria, use fresh fabric every day if you can, or boil your sponge in water for five minutes. To sanitize a sponge, you can place it in the microwave and cook it for one minute on high; but, if your microwave is particularly powerful, your sponge might burn.